i've change group ady..
group D5 to D4..
hehe...monday no need study lo..
got time to attend cocuriculum d..
^^din think b4 my classmate wan drop the badminton..
yesterday v go cyber center..
sit beside my place..
after she drop i faster register for badminton..
ahaa..i ady drop table tennis..XD
although im the outsiders...
but juz have to say...........
complete ur own job n act ur role model first juz comment on oters please..
*i din mention anyone,please don think so much if u're include in case also*
for me....
i think..
true frenship is wont easily broke or affect by oters....
just trust she/he...
will brought us into happy moment & enjoyable memories....^^
our course..
need to bought alot of materials leh..
coursework coursework coursework...
i must try hard le...
don wanna to fail it....
donwan to re-sit the course....zzZ
luckily dis thursday nite can back home ...
friday wesak day no course.. =)
hope i can complete those all sketching
b4 next creative & critical thinking lessons lo..
i tot today got class at 9 to 10 am and 4 to 6 pm..
but juz 9 to 10 am i can join..
4 to 6 pm is for coursemate tat no credit in bm 1..
lucky i choose co-curicular -sports at monday afternon..
if not now juz register i think ady full at all..
haiz..badminton ady full..
force by my course's timetable to join table tennis to earn the 2 credit hour..
lucky i enjoy it b4..
but really many years din't train it le..
start from standard 4 or 5...zzZ
karmen koh u must accompany me to train it again ah..
the main is..
i din think b4 2 credit hour
can buy with money (RM 140) ...
if pay ady u can no need to attend any activities anymore..
hope i can past the test..
if not must re-sit the test with payment of RM 160 !!!
i wonder why..
today just know i no nid to attend the bm class..
so now din have any plan for today's schedule..
on facebook..sudden u told me that....
what is that???
i really donknow.....
izzit just simply wrote it??
i hope so...
how come i don't know the problem now...
y included me...
i donwan can mah....
what u thinking about..
what hapen to u all..
i din't have any comment le..
just good luck to all of u and myself...
hope it wont to be a serious matter...
today go for area meeting just bcoz of get the information for area camp..
unlucky...its too late for register today..
then go mcD with them after meeting...
kp sudden make a decide for stay at mcD to revision alone..
she not sure until watime need to back..
the end i think she back with mk..
better than back alone lo..
the end i back with sk..
then back to skol i found serena inside..
i tot can straight away back home..
sudden she said wanna go hussein onn mcD ..
=.=mcD again..
when shopping got three sakai play until sot liao..
mother n i juz keep away from them ...
lol~dance infront a baby..
the baby no respond also after tat..
lucky the mother din saw she..
i also cant control myself n keep laughing..
hey..i din think b4 tonite all of us so ngam juz wore black n white's shirt..
when reach the restaurant i juz sudden saw it..
bro n serena is black group..
oter of us all white group...ahaa...
so less chance will hapen tis situation...
i know im the outsiders for tis case..
but...as ur fren...
who also wont like to c tis kind of situation lo..
y will hapen tis...
is juz only bcoz of she/he??...
haiz...sudden no mood when know somting...
u really dcide tat??..sure??..
i just can say...
think properly b4 u make ur real decision....
and hope u wont regret on ur own choice.....
我乘着风 顺着温柔 轨道直达到你的心中
天空辽阔 我想抓一个美丽的梦
话不多说 相知相惜 我们默契已经足够
跨越时空 让我站在Top of the world
张开手 迎接属于我的自由
不寂寞 你是我最棒的朋友
蓝天大海沙漠全部任我遨游 张开手
张开手 你在世界的另一头
不寂寞 有你的勇气陪伴我
天崩地裂海水倒灌也不放手 只要你相信我
张开双眼 阳光宝藏 就在你不远的前头
你无所求 每一秒钟 都准备感动
有一天 你会了解 快乐悲伤怎么解脱
握紧拳头 发动好引擎 Here we go
爱到最后 你会看见奇迹 这么的容易
张开双手 幸福马上降临
张开手 不寂寞
张开手 只要你相信我
张开手 YEAH 不寂寞 YEAH
天崩地裂海水倒灌也不放手 只要你相信我
haiz..here a...quite ok..
still like secondary skol..
the different are..
no nid to wear uniform..
have a lot of restime..
and students almost hightlight their hair especially senior..=)
oh my godness..
the way from hostel to class aso need a lot of time..
when reach hostel also getting tired ady..
but tis college really has a big area..
if didn't have the map i think i'll lost in the maze..
and the time table..opps..
juz study in 2 or 3 hours only..
monday no class at all..
should i need to b hapi???
oters time juz at cyber center online online online..
noting to do at all..
later need to go jusco for buy the tool box with coursemate...
hope it wont so expensive...
erm..at midnite..
hostel's canteen still full of people..
chatting..online-ing..see TV...
mayb its just teenagers' lifes.. =D
Woo..the best is.........
Ahaaa~~My course no need exam oh...
but i will study hard to done those all portfolio..=)
wish myself will have a nice college lifes on continuous days...