my primary school memories....
these songs remind me
my standard 1 first perform sign languange with clasmates on stage
while mooncake festival....
songs of mooncake festival parade organized by school..
the meaningful video and nice family song,
that loved by my classmate n make it oways sing bside me.. =)
frens perform.. :)
learn this song while muzic class ~
learn this with 古筝 while primary school tuition orchestra organization
my favourite version : piano
the last two chinese poem song teched by clas tcer in standard 5 :)
春眠不觉晓, 处处闻啼鸟。 夜来风雨声, 花落知多少。
the song we must sing together while standard 6 graduation ceremony...
and the last song performed by primary schol choir...b4 end ceremony..
and tis is the last song too...while my diploma final exhibition b4 graduated.......
those video n music
dig out my memories....
that hide deeply in my mind...
i miss my friends...
ive never seen n found some of them
the day of graduate
its the last day we met
some were cant recognize me or forget me
due to lost contact since graduated..
hope they live hapily everywhere...
n evryone i met ever in my study lifes....
kindergarden,primary skol,secondary,college..
i miss those moments so much...
we spent with each others
i wil never forget it
while i still alive
take good care .....
blessing form my heart for
everyone of you... :]
merry christmas~!!
when masej of christmas
my go sms auto drops snow
lolx niceeee
deer is appear n cross over my screen
and a home apear,the santa claus drop into it n calling for help
cute..... hahaha
happy that stil can pas christmas without doomsday^^
so fast..
its came n omost past ady
im stil countdowning for this day b4 tis
today..2 hours more
i pass my christmas by rest at home
miss those days ive celebrate...
merry christmas....
to them... ^^
nice deco in those centre i've lepak to...
goodbye christmas,meet again next year.....
CHristmas eve
christmas in the i-CITY
i miss the childhood moment =)
while saw those children is enjoying there....
so fast..
its christmas
merry christmas all..;)
supper AT KFC b4 back home
its midnight n he is lazy to back home
pity ..
gonna b our home living rooms guard..
im took part too due to not to b bad :( ..
human in the earth~
happy merry christmas eve n merry christmas.. ;)
sony fair requested for promoter
both us been booked again
But only the last two day...
might my last chance to being a partimer
funny sony tshirt
my heavy big size 西装 XD
finaly he
tis afraid guy
he dare to stick screen protector at last ^^
oways did tis and stare by manager
santa claus giving sweet in weekend~
OUR STAFF go n get for us too xDDD
with the one who tech me so much n bully me so much
goodbye everyone~~
partime job end~~
continue my work the nextday..tired... ><
the first day three of us at home together~
dad ordered acc to car service ~
break problem =.=
boring in the car
someone b background...
5 hours stay at oldtown
from brekfast til lunch
my home big stomacth guy
keep eat eat n eat
9am to 330pm zz
tired til gonna slep on the desk
n looking them lunch
our brekfast+lunch ==
we can back home n rest !!!
someone boring n date to i-city
but trafic jam zz
9pm stil at sunway only
im super hungry~~
just went sunway pyramid hav a walk...
have a first try too
mineral water ? x)
white wine after meal ....
christmas deco
with a huge tree
n castle in sunway~
hapi 'sun stil appear' day ^^
finally get back those foto from the expensive studio
rm 400++
4 piece 4r & 1 piece 8r,with 30 pics softcopy..
thx for special included
for convo sesion shooting and
casual wear style...
dad's intro
the famous wedding studio
its nice surrounding
while reached
a home
semi_d house
big studi
nice service
price too..
first time got people help for wearing
but they wore wrong way on the hood ><
after the day selected foto
only know no background edited
but nice shoot
thanks too.....
for the touch up service
n thanks for giving al the soft copy
even without selected to print..
thx my dad mom sis n bro
for helped everything ♥