GOT 6 HOUR of restime..
went to ts area celebrate fren's be-lated birthday..
we walk walk n walk~
thanks for fren's GPS..
if not more tired><
many funny thing had hapen while the trip to pudu,

an expensive cafe shop..taste nice but...not my cup of tea..
>.< juz try a glass..quite ok..=)
thanks for rineii's suggest the drinks for me ..
stay thr got an hour abv??
dono the duration..bored n have took some pic thr..

we seeing the process of make coffee drinks..=)

time past~

before leave the coffee shop i've capture the last foto..=D
after that we went ts..sudden saw they walk til a row..

they are funny..XD act like the other surrounding model..haha~
the end b4 we back college...
almost laugh die me..XD
Wat she waiting for?hahahaha

the end..we bck to college continue our class..
somting hapen...
prepare to face it byself~
by the way~thank you sorry and i will cherish =)