>.< what a special day...
lol...first time saw it...
omg...feel want to vomit..
went to kajang hospital for highway duty..
lol...starting bored and waiting for case..
they starting tired n ask me for drive out the ambulans to look around the area since they know i get the key >.<
but..so sad after they know i duno drive manual..
hahaha...someone ask me
'if u duno manual how u pass the test?'
sure im no using manual skill after i get licence=.=
went to the duty alot of time every year..but...
this time..i've gain more experiences and....
know more type of wound..
folow ambulans car to get casualty for leg injured..
then...the uncle's leg was cover tightly by roller bandage..
when pull he inside while the doctor open the wound..
my god....alot of worm inside the wound that have a hole...
the doctor scared also and ask for male doctor to treat it..
the worstly thing was..they leave the uncle on the bed after clean the wound
but those worm still moving inside and...
we no dare to help and doctor juz ask us to take tis take tat..
the worm was fell on the bed make us..
go outside and wait for other cases >.<
poor guy..
lucky i've my dinner before that..
z.z almost child came in also hand fractured problem=.=
got three for today..
so bad they not enuf bed n nid to wait in the room...
reli many accident while evening after the sun set~
the best for today was..
i get the experience that treat those special wound..
the worst was...
i saw a child get in to operation room
and see he through the small hole beside of the door..
sudden afraid by a doctor from bhind n get caught by she..
'girl,nak masuk tolong tak?jom masuk la'
=.=i was feel shame and juz go in to have a look since inside got members helping..
>.< still cant sleep after the 9hours duty...
meet alot of special case today..
more than those time that i duty in the same place...
tired but...
wanna delete the memories that about the weird wound~
@.@wish to have a nice rest....zzz