- Real girls aren't perfect -
- Perfect girls aren't real -
- Caring too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes -
- 最失败的听众是,人家随便说 ,你却当真了 !!!!!!!!!! -
- 我不是笨,只是聪明得不明显 -

they are meaningful....
keep caring others but the end you are the one who get hurt...
caring friends are juz a simply polite attitude..
any mistake?
people are juz wil say you done too much crazy things..
why wil get hurt even people reject ur help...
because u are the one who most fool,stupid...
the main point..
why i like to become a stupid...?
my answer : no reson...
i just wan to be my self...
i am the original person..
i wont change my attitude bcoz i tink im good enuf for treating anyone.
i accept the comment from friends..
i will correct my fault evryday..
hope u al wil feel i've improve my problem..
thanks friends that told me..
thank you D4...
loves the way that we chat on the night..
have a nice conversation n wonderful night with u all at the hotel..
hope to have next chance...