bro too bored..
take mom de gift to play XDD

TODAY afternoon...
thank you for accompany me pass my birthday...

sorry for make u happy and sad today...
i din have the feeling..
we are best fren...
when u said u wont give up...
im sad..
coz i will hurt my best fren one more time..
so sorry...
sory if i make u think too much..
and sorry for..rejected ur request..
maybe u think much more than best fren level...
but im still treat u as best fren..
hope our frenship wil continue forever... =]

thank you evrything tat u do for me...and sorry....
lol..mother use my account..
no think bfore she wil reply u..
lucky u know somting difrent then masej me..
i was driving dad to buy supper that time..
and ...although mother say u r a good boy..
but for me..
u are my best fren..=]
family bought a cake ..
but..mom said...
follow chinise calendar..
so the cake have 2 candle..
mean i now 19 only...mom say 20..==''
so old d..=/
but thanks for the special shape d cake~ ^^
happy '19' to me..lol xD

b4 slep..
the two naugthy brothers back from their hometown then come up kacau us..
longtime no see lo~XD
still the sakai face x)

THE MOST crazy one =)

my 18 year old pass...
19 ler.. =/
old ady...lolx...