today meet alot customer that have communicate problem with me =/
cant even understand what they saying..
juz catch the point..
american customer too pro,
sory for make them ask question second time i juz know ><
italian and europian dono i said de english..
hard to explain >< lol..
so change the ipad 2 language to their own language so they juz no nid ask too much question XD
sold 8 ipad and 1 mac book pro today..
abit regret while let someone get the customer after i serve..
nevermind loh...
u wan i give u lor...
1 ipad only mah.
but is 32 GB 3G wifi rm 2199 =\
cousin so
== saw a customer (small girl)with family come format ipod touch due to forget password..
its a mother tat taking a ipad 2 ,bring her both daughter come..
cousin said..
‘一看就知道是有钱人,吃到将大只’ =='''
macD again..

nowadays child knows to play iphone n ipad ==
so 幸福..
alot parents buy for the little child juz for playing games ><
the two orange's shirt children..
stand at there few hour for play the ipad...
their parents juz leave them there n go away ==

learn somting on mac book while no customer...

while tired..
go in rest room sit..
cousin take ppl's famous branded headphone to play..
== rm 1499 a headphone..

almost same price with his sony ericson x10 ..
nice base and effect ..
cousin ask me to buy the rm80 1 for earphone
waste money ..
hapi tat sold 16 ipads in these 3 days..
still got three days to work..
evryday have to think wat to eat at lunch zzZ
leg stil pain although its third day ><
all the best for us..