today is the celebration for end of the feedback AUGUST BLOOD DONATION CAMPAIGN..
before this they request before find one day exco out celebrate 7 exco birthday after end evryting..
but some of them all reject bcoz exam are nextweek...
lolx...a lot august child..x)
but juz me is leo...other 6 of them are virgo...==
haha...thanks some of them that give face to attend that day,.,,
first time celebrate with members..
not bad..thanks for the noisy n nice situation..
thanks our birthday cake manager =)
thankyou for the surprise and have fun with u guys,...

after members back...
we have go to the second round for yem cha chit chatting...x)
at genting klang STEVEN CORNER...
also first time ...
chat til 2++ am just back..
fren tat drive also sleepy d ==
not dare to back room alone..
lucky frens rommate back hometown...
chat at her room again until 3.30 am..xD
Morning back room then 8am go class..
still sleepy ..+.+ lolx...
hope wil have nectime again and thanks spam kingss & queenss ^-^
shirine chaiyong dickway kailing szeyang leybing puiyeng
happy birthday to us.. =)