back hostel..
guard today sudden wan check hostel id..
i say in my bag at the back of car...
he keep say wan check..
go down n take to it check ..=='''
bhind de car seeing..lol
so shame ==
dad say good..
got check more safety ...
today erly celebrate bro de birthday~
juz a meal but nice..
eat few only ady stomatch so full..
stomatch got problem ?==
uncomfortable ..
feel wanna vomit =(
mine n bro d bday separate by 11 days..
pmr level liao stil active in tat..
wish he wont addicted to dance ==

LUCAS..lol..in dance group de name..==
got vincent stil not enuf..hahaha
tis thurs his big day lor...
25/8/11 ..
happy birthday to he..=)

but i stay at hostel revision no back..
three of us hardworking tis few day..lol
all exam coming..
goodluck for sis SPM trial and bro PMR trial..
read read read but my mind stil empty==
cham le...
not yet reli memorise ...=(